Hi, Plenty of good discussion here. I too have been struggling with trying to find a way to get Layout to efficiently output construction documentation from Sketchup models. I have been frustrated that I can get great sketchup models of a project in the design process, and thats great, but not of use unless you can output the required 2D documents that a builder requires. I keep reverting back to vectorworks to output 2D, a double workflow. Layout could learn a lot from Vectorworks and let me draw the following comparison. Vectorworks can have a 3D model on model layers ( similar Sketchup ) which it presents plan, elevation, section views of on sheet layer viewports ( similar Layout ). Vectorworks does this all in one file. In Vectorworks on a sheet layer ( a view of a page ) you can double click on a viewport and then via the information palette, edit what layers ( or classes which are like layers ) are being shown in that viewport. You can turn layers on, off, or greyed ( what I wouldnât do for the ability to grey a layer in layout ). The viewport then presents those layers within the viewport as instructed, regardless of what layers are turned on when viewing the whole page on the sheet layer. Thats a whole lot easier to do at that backend when you are laying out pages than to having to keep leaping back to sketchup, edit or generate a new scene, save that, save the sketchup model, go back to layout, update the referenced sketchup model, then update the viewport.
I will attempt top load images to show a Vectorworks sheet layer with a page full of various viewports. The page is the same ortho plan view viewport repeated with various layers turned off / on / greyed to generate Demolition Floor / Demolition Ceiling / New GA plan / New Floor Plan / New Ceiling Plan / New Lights and AC Plan / New Finishes Plan / New Furniture Plan. So yes, one could set and save each of those as a scene in sketchup, and leap back on forward to sketcup when you want to edit layer visibility in any way, or, you could just double click the viewport to open a dialogue box that allows you to turn off and on any sketchup layer to be displayed or not. Even better make that On / Off / Greyed.
Even better than that, do what vectorworks does and allow you to then set the pen preferences of each layer, ( line weight and colour ) within each viewport layer selected.
The Sketchup model shown on the page is a screen shot pasted into a vectorworks sheet layer. Iâd rather not use vectorworks at all if i could get Layout to be a viable documentation output tool.