I received a .dae file from a Vectorworks and Lumion model ( I am completely unfamiliar with these modeling programs) and I would like to import the file into SketchupMake 2017. I have followed the directions on the forum for importing .dae files into Sketchup but keep getting an error. I have attached the file. What is happening?
You’re missing materials. A .dae file is just xml, and it usually creates a folder next to 3D-SiteModel.dae called 3D-SiteModel with all the materials. That’s why most people zip up the .dae and the materials folder and hand you a zip.
Looking at the first few and last few lines of the COLLADA file, it looks like valid xml. Ask them to give you a zip with the materials images in there.
So importing your .dae failed for me. I opened it in Blender to see if that would work, it did. Then re-saved as .dae again to see if that would fix any errors. It did. Here is new .dae for you to try.
You could also try this extension since you’re on Windows: https://transmutr.com/ Not sure if it supports Make17 or not.
Also note that Make may have trouble working with a large file such as this so I recommend upgrading to version 2019. Pro version is also required for commercial work.