Is There Really No Quantity Auto-Text?

No it’s a 5D Bim software called Mamba Software. You can make rules to extract the information needed from the ifc model. I attach a parameter set to each item with the plugin I mentioned before with this function:

I send them to Layout with the schedules sheets I attached before.

All Español? Is there an English closed caption? Very interested in BIM and how to utilize it with SKU/LO.

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Mainly the plugin use is in English. If you read the notes next to the youtube video you have a description in English.
By the way I made a previous (doesn’t inlcude tha last features) video in English that you can also watch here (sorry by my poor english…)
I can also show you in a videoconference if you want. Send me a message for that.

[be warned! i haven’t used this feature much, but i know it is there :wink: ]

Have you tried the basic/standard sketchup function “generate report …”?

Once you filled in some information at the “Entity info”…

[ many options to include names, measurements, amounts, costs, etc… ]

Hit the “Generate Report …” and create a new template …

Add the info you want to show in your report and move it up or down if needed …

Now “Run the report” and see the results …

If you are happy with the report, hit “Save” to save and run it again later …

At the main report window you can also export the report to .grt …
No clue how to open or how to convert this (
.grt) file to a usable file, so from here you will have to figur it out yourselve!

This can be an easy way to fast check the amounts and such, else i am sure there are multiple extentions that can do this way better, detailed, more user friendly, etc. in the extention warehouse or at a third party extention website.

At the moment, SketchUp gives you a simple compoonent list with quantities in the ModelInfo>Statistics window. The contents of the window can be copied and pasted as text or into a spreadsheet.
It isn’t auto-updating but simple to redo.

Generate Report Templates (.grt)

.grt files can be imported in other .skp files.
It is actually a way to convert /extract/organise the raw data which you het from the SketchUp file using Generate report version 1 (when you have no internet connection)

Templates are key in a business environment. That’s why you can import/export them😀

The download (.csv) can be used to insert in a LayOut Document.

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Thanks for the info.
I was actually hoping it could be converted to xls or something, to create an excel spreadsheet for further editing.

quanties.skp (106.0 KB)

that .grt is the template file, to get the excel editable report, download the report after the run as .csv, as per “Mike”

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As mentioned, havent use this feature that much.
Thanks for the reminder the download option offers the csv file ^^

Yup, i knew it was possible, but since i didnt use it for a while i forgot … so it was a good reminder :wink:

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