No it’s a 5D Bim software called Mamba Software. You can make rules to extract the information needed from the ifc model. I attach a parameter set to each item with the plugin I mentioned before with this function:
I send them to Layout with the schedules sheets I attached before.
Mainly the plugin use is in English. If you read the notes next to the youtube video you have a description in English.
By the way I made a previous (doesn’t inlcude tha last features) video in English that you can also watch here (sorry by my poor english…)
I can also show you in a videoconference if you want. Send me a message for that.
If you are happy with the report, hit “Save” to save and run it again later …
At the main report window you can also export the report to .grt …
No clue how to open or how to convert this (.grt) file to a usable file, so from here you will have to figur it out yourselve!
This can be an easy way to fast check the amounts and such, else i am sure there are multiple extentions that can do this way better, detailed, more user friendly, etc. in the extention warehouse or at a third party extention website.
At the moment, SketchUp gives you a simple compoonent list with quantities in the ModelInfo>Statistics window. The contents of the window can be copied and pasted as text or into a spreadsheet.
.grt files can be imported in other .skp files.
It is actually a way to convert /extract/organise the raw data which you het from the SketchUp file using Generate report version 1 (when you have no internet connection)
Templates are key in a business environment. That’s why you can import/export them😀
The download (.csv) can be used to insert in a LayOut Document.