I’m an architect working with re-purposing old New England mill buildings, typically into apartments. My model needs to show all the apartments on every floor. Since this means literally hundreds of partitions, I want to use a partition component, rather than modeling hundreds of separate partitions. No problem so far. But the developer needs to know the square footage of each apartment. Normally I click on Entity Info and get a very accurate square footage.
But I’m having a nightmare of a time getting the partition components to cut the face of the floor. Not only that, but when I attempt using Intersect Face, hundreds of hidden lines are created that separate the floor into many triangular wedges, visible only with View > Hidden Geometry. This hidden geometry controls selecting the portion of the floor hopefully cut by the partition. Often the partition fails to cut the face. I’ve tried Intersect face with Model, with Context, with Selection. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve tried employing Cut Opening when making the component. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t.
I’ve had many, many hours go down this particular SketchUp black hole. I need a reliable method of placing partitions that will cut the floor face every time. I’m attaching my current model. Thanks in advance for any help.