Intersect Component

Hi there,

I downloaded sketchup Pro to try it out. It is my first time working on 3d objects. I have a 12’ ladder that is a component I imported. I would like to trim or chop 8’ of it. I drew a 8’ solid block (group it) and lay it across the 12" ladder. I tried to intersect but a popup came out and says:
“One or more of the selected object is either not a solid or is locked. The non-solid/locked obj. will be desected before this operation is performed”

And the ladder was de-selected. I guess how do i make the componenet as solid?

Make all edges of the ladder have exaclty 2 adjacent faces.
If you need more advice, you should give more info first.

If you select the ladder, does entity info report that it is a solid, or just a component? If it is not solid, it could potentially have a lot of flaws. I suggest you start by using TT’s solid inspector and/or TIG’s SolidSolver extensions. They will tell you where the problems lie and if the issues aren’t too bad will actually “heal” the solid for you.

is there anyway i can post my ladder object and someone can take a look at it?

Here is a link of the ladder I am describing.

I have that vertical ladder, and i drew a cube that go across the ladder. I want to remove all the component below the cube.

This little icon at the top of the edit window initiates uploading a file. An actual SketchUp model file is always better than an image.

ladder_tray.skp (1.1 MB)

slbaumgartner, here is the sketchup file i have.
I would like to remove the whole section of the ladder below the cube.

I wasn’t certain whether you wanted to remove or keep the section below (despite what you said) so I made a copy, made the copy unique, and did one each way. As you will see, I used a simple face even with the bottom of the cube, since that’s all you really need to cut the ladder. I copied this plane inside the component for the bottom section of the ladder, selected it and did intersect with->context, and then deleted either the portion above or the portion below the face. I left the face there so you can see what I did. Hope this helps.

ladder_tray.skp (1.2 MB)


That’s exactly what i need.
So i guess when you said create a simple face = rectangle?
Once i created the rectangle, i grouped it and dragged it into the ladder component.
Now, when you said " intersect with->context", how do i do that?
Only intersect i see is tools → solid tools → intersect. And when i do that it gives me this popup that says one or more of the selected object is either not a solid or is locked.

Yes, by simple face I meant a rectangle.

You do not need to group the face, just open the ladder component for edit and draw the rectangle at the appropriate place. With the ladder component still open, select the rectangle, right-click and select intersect with → context from the menu. Then select the part either above or below the cut (right-to-left drag makes this easy) and delete it.

The solid tools are actually way overkill for this task!

By the way, TT’s solid inspector reports 22 “surface borders” and 896 “internal face edges” in the ladder component. It is far from being a SketchUp solid! That’s why the solid tools won’t work with it.

I drew a face using line on where i wanted to intersect. Then i intersect → context. Then I select the object by dragging right to left. and delete. I delete the face too.
Then i close the component. Now i wonder why when i select the component, i get this long rectangle. How do i resize it appropriately?

You almost certainly missed some tiny geometry at the bottom of the ladder when you deleted (easy to do). Open the ladder component again, drag a selection box around the bottom of that bounding box, and try deleting again.

Thanks slbaumgartner ! It works.

slbaumgartner , actually when it is in group, the blue box is compress. but when it is under component selection, then it will show that instead. ideas?

Can you post the altered model showing this problem?

hi, i guess i figured it out. i click on the component and exploded it. then it goes back to group and it is compress.
I guess it still had its previous inherent component size.

It’s the origin of the component that is creating the large bounding box when editing.
As you see here the original origin needs to be moved to reduce the bounding box.