Hi, I need help finding an app that can read sketchup files. one that you can view, rotate, and zoom the model. It needs to have the capabilities of turning on and off tags/layers. I need this to create instructions on building things. I was previously using Sketchup Viewer but it now has design capabilities on the Ipad. I want the app to be view only (like sketchup viewer used to be). A bonus would be a white label app that I can add my logo to it. Thanks!!
as far as I understand, sketchup for ipad still works as a viewer, so long as the person using it doesn’t have a subscription.
if they subscribe to GO it becomes the powerful design tool.
Pretty sure nobody will develop a SU viewer app in white label, because a SU viewer app technically already exists.
What remains is standard 3d apps, I don’t know any, don’t have an ipad, but I know there are some on mac and PC that can technically open SKP, or derivative formats (colada & other). But these apps don’t have the tag thing.
as far as I know, both on desktop, web and ipad, the only software that can do all you ask is Sketchup.
edit : you asked a couple month ago about Sketchup viewer on ipad and got the same answer.
Yes, but I don’t want to share the SKP file because I don’t want to share my models for modifications. Before, I was able to upload to the warehouse as a private model and share only on the Ipad to people I wanted to. Now I have to email the actual file which has intellectual properties.
There’s a sketchup desktop viewer for pc, it’s not possible to make modifications from that app. The sketchup for iPad works if the person you’re sending the file has a go or a pro license otherwise it will be just as a viewer. You can also export as a 3D PDF with a plugin, the model can be viewed on adobe acrobat, but I’m not sure if the tags are exported or if it is possible to control the visibility of the tags.
I do get what you are going for, but the fact is, anyone anywhere can open a .skp file. Even if you were to have someone create a viewer for you, the end user could always just open the file you sent them in the web version, for free.
If you really need to lock down your designs, you will need to create your own encrypted file format.
3D PDF can even be password protected, but, like with all PDF files, whether the protection is enforced depends on the application you open it with. And, some 3D modelling applications can import and edit a 3D PDF file.
Sharing on Trimble connect seems like an option…
I went with this option. Thank you!!
Thank you all!