Install problem with 16

I recently upgraded sketchup pro 8 to pro 16. while on the trial version of 16 I downloaded some plug ins, all went well.
once I upgraded 8 to pro16 I cannot find 16 under c:/program files x286/google. all I find is sketchup 8
Problem is when I try to download plug ins, now all it finds is sketchup 8
16 works just fine and all the plugins I downloaded for it while in the trial version work fine.
Looks like a folder for 16 should show up as well?
Any suggestions?

SketchUp for 2016 is in the c:\users\yourname\appdata\roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016 folder. The plugins directory is in the next SketchUp folder you see at this level (e.g., c:\users\yourname\appdata\roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\SketchUp\Plugins).

Thanks Jim. Found it.

I have downloaded several fredo plugins. None of them work without downloading libfredo6 version 6.9 or later.

I have found that on sketchucation, but it kept running me in circles finally ending where I started.

Is there a way to find that ver 6.9 and download it? sorry for these mundane questions.

I’m a mechanical engineer, love the program, and trying to get both hands around it.

Thanks in advance for anything you might contribute.


So close and yet…

You can get LibFredo 6.9 from the Sketchucation Plugin Store along with current versions of Fredo’s extensions.

There should have been an error message popping up when you start SketchUp that told you LibFredo was missing.

And if you look there, you’ll see that many of his extensions show they require LibFredo 6.9.

Better thing to do is get the Sketchucation Plugin Store extension.

I have the plug in store extension,

I went to center column, Authors, found fredo6, and started looking for the ver6.9, but does not appear?

Yes, I do get that warning when I first open sketchup 16 and noted that several of the fredo files do require that file.

Still don’t see it listed in extension store 3.0??

You are actually looking for is actually called “LibFredo”

You can download it here: SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation or here Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse

I may have found it all the way to the bottom?

I installed it

I see several fredo files in the plugins manager, but don’t see any of them in the drop down menus.

I must be doing something wrong.

Most of Fredo’s extensions show up in the Tools menu, rather than Extensions. Take a look there…

Also most of Fredo’s extensions have toolbars that you can activate.

FYI, Google, Inc., sold SketchUp to Trimble Navigation, Ltd., in 2012. Since SketchUp 2013 the app installs into a “SketchUp” sub-folder of %ProgramFiles% path. Since SketchUp 2015 this binary path can be a 32-bit or 64-bit path. (The “x86” indicates 32-bit package installed on a 64-bit system. If you install the 64-bit package there will not be a “x86” in the install path.)

Since SketchUp 2014, when it’s Ruby was updated to 2.0, unicode path strings were supported, and the plugins path was moved into the users’s %AppData% path (where user specific application files belong.)

I just re booted Sketchup and all showed up just as you said.

Thanks so much.

Have a great Christmas.


Thanks Dan,
