Inserting excel table into layout. Nothing Happens?

I like to put take-off tables on my cover pages to show where each stick is going in my timber frames.
I want to start using excel table imports (i used to do this and stopped for some reason).
Now when I go to file>insert and select my excel file, nothing happens. Typically I could select a sheet and cell range, but now there are no options. And nothing is inserted.
Anyone else experience this issue?

I insert .xlsx files frequently with no problem. Can you share your LayOut and .xlsx files with me so I can see what you are working with? Send them via a PM if you don’t want to make them public.

OK. I see you already have the table inserted into the LayOut file. In the references list it has no path which is weird. How did you go about adding it in the first place?

I relinked it to the the .xlsx file you sent. Doing so does not open the panel for selecting the range of cells but you can do that by right clicking on the table and choosing Excel Refference Options…

If you’ve already inserted a file into LayOut, inserting it again won’t generate another reference. It’ll use the same one you had in the file.

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to purge your LayOut file of unused content. That reduced the LO file size by 97%. I’m guessing you are reusing an old project file. Is that right? I’ll send it back to you shortly in a PM.

Yeah good point on the Purge. I usually do, but I just started this file and I think my Template (I made years ago) probably has some purge-able junk.

As for the table, I inserted that table manually. If I delete that table and try insert a new one it still doesn’t work. I see in the file you sent me that the table references my excel sheet. It doesnt seem to respond to any changes in the excel sheet though, so I am not sure what the issue is?

Time to do a cleanup and create a new template.

What do you mean by maually?

Unless you purge the file from the References list after deleting it from the page, it won’t insert as a new reference. Just relink the thing.

In the file I sent it is embedded. It is not looking at the .xlsx file on your computer. Go into the References list, select the spreadsheet file, click on Relink and choose the copy that is resident on your computer. After that you should be able to update the table in LO after making changes to the spreadsheet in Excel.

By manually, I mean that I created the table in layout. I typed in all of the header lines and all of the table information.
This is probably why hat when I “Relink” the table in the file you sent back, nothing happens. Changes in the excel file do not change the LO table.
Also, if I just open a brand new, blank, LO file, and try to insert this same excel table link, again nothing happens…

I believe it is the excel sheet itself. I just now tried a basic table instead of my take off/estimate excel sheet and inserting and linking work totally normal.

Something in the way the data in the table is formatted or a security thing?

I just looked at your spreadsheet in Libre Office and see this message at the top.
Screenshot - 7_25_2024 , 5_27_03 AM
Seems that security thing is the issue.

Interesting. Maybe its the vlookup formula I have in my estimate. It references an external excel sheet.
Either way, I guess I basically have it figured out now…

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