Why some components when inserted inside a model have this behavior: “fall” somewhere in the model and do not move according to the mouse cursor, as in the first two examples of the GIF below.
Thanks guys!
Why some components when inserted inside a model have this behavior: “fall” somewhere in the model and do not move according to the mouse cursor, as in the first two examples of the GIF below.
Thanks guys!
That component is set with gluing properties and it’s set to glue to Any face. Change it to glue only to horizontal or get rid of the gluing property altogether. You can edit that by select the component in the Components window and clicking on the Edit tab once the component is In Model.
Look at the chair component.
Now I understand what you mean. My initial post was to show that the problem was in the glass shelf, which is inserted inside the model with a strange behavior.
The chair has behavior to glue on some face, that’s right, but the glass shelf I programmed not to behave that way.
Even so, this shelf should not be inserted into the model the way it is shown in the GIF of the previous post, but like the chair (without glue on faces).
It could also be the axes are misaligned.
Each component can have it’s axis set independently… and things flip around when brought into an environment which is set up with a different orientation.
You can check this by going into the component edit mode, and looking to see how the axes are set up within the component.
Can you share the shelf component in a model?
the axes are aligned …
Prateleira de vidro.skp (35.6 KB)
the purpose of creating this component is to be a glass shelf supported by square screws
and it is a dynamic component with some handdles scale blocked to fit the furniture niche
Single click and drag it in like I did.
Why is your component geo-located. The geo-location is why it is snapping to the origin. There’s no reason for a shelf to have geo-location set. You could open the component on its own and remove that. Model Info>Geo-Location.
I am just one click… and click and drag doesn´t work with this model…
I notice that sometimes this problem happens to other components, but this is rare
See the edit to my post, above.
Yes, you are right! The problem is that the model is geo-located!
Thank you!
It’s OK to have a building geo-located but furniture and fixtures shouldn’t be.
I made the geolocation error at some point, I do not know which one. But thanks for detecting this problem, this may be occurring with other users as well.
I’ll take one of those.
Thanks for the solution regarding clearing the location, however it’s not helping in my situation. I’ve cleared the location of the template as well as the component itself, closed the file and restarted, etc, but the problem is persisting for me. Any other tips?
Edit: I fixed it by deleting the component file, then exploding and recreating the component. In my case I had made many single grouped objects that later made sense to make them into components, and I wasn’t aware of the implications of having the location of my model specified and how that would carry over to the components. It would have helped to have had this info prominently on the Sketchup “Working with Components”.