Inferences disappears


I work on MacOs and I have a problem that I can’t solve and that I only have on the Mac.
I have a MacBook Pro Intel I9 and a MacBook Pro M3 Pro. It’s the same problem on both computers.

When I’m working, after a few minutes the snaps disappear and I no longer have a reference point to draw my lines.
The problem disappears when I close the application and relaunch it.
It’s a real nightmare.

Same problem with sketchup 2023 and 2024…

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I have had similar issues but all I had to do was save and the inferences snapping came back. I suppose if that works for you too you could use it as a save reminder - it saved me a problem when SU crashed 1 minute later!

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I noticed the same thing today after I added a section cut to a model (SU 2024). I haven’t explored it further, but just removed the section for the time being.

Edit: I have issues here too. Note how locking on to the Z - ax doesn’t work.

The z axis issue looks like the object is glued to a face. Try right click and select unglue.

So it was…

We also have the same problem working on OS. Same thing in SK 2023 and 2024, actually, worse in 2024. Did anyone get an answer? The saving manually workaroud is annoying and stops working after three or four saves for us; we have to close the program and reopen

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