In what unit does the render output dimensions represent for Vray? Cm or mm? And how does it affect my rendered image in real life? Thanks guys
Just guessing (as not a renderer) but output are images, so the dimensions are usually pixels.
And it will depend upon how many pixels per inch (ppi) that the image is displayed on, for what actual size it is (from the viewers point of view.)
Thanks for your help for explaining. But how do I know how much width or height of pixels to input into the dimensions in order to avoid pixelation? For example, if I intend to print this particular rendered image on a piece of A4 paper, what is the minimum width and height I have to input before it pixelates? To optimize my time on rendering, of course I would choose to render it at the minimum resolution just enough for it to not be pixelated.I dont want to be over-killing it by rendering a higher resolution image wasting hours for nothing
Thanks for replying as well. My next question will be the same as what I replied to the other nice guy who tried to help. Kindly read it if you have time
Easy to ‘ask’ Google
As Mihai shows it depends upon what dpi you will set your printer to output. Often printers have a draft mode that is reduced resolution. Mihai’s image form Google is using a figure based on 300 dpi. That is only half the best of my BJC600.
So at what dpi (or dots per cm) are you going to print?
This is the first question to yourself that you must answer.
Then multiply this resolution by the space between margins (for your printer) for the paper size.
When we are talking about colour printing, about 300 DPI is the practical maximum resolution achievable with current technology (a dye-sublimation photo printer is capable of that). For inkjet or laser printers, colours are achieved by dithering (printing dots close to each other). For a full colour image a printer needs to print something like 256 dots per “pixel”.
I once experimented with a colour laser by printing the same image at different resolutions. A magnifying glass showed no difference in images when they had 150, 300 or 600 DPI. The 600 DPI image is 16 times bigger than the 150 DPI one.