Importing JPEG to sketchup model

I’m having trouble importing JPEGs to my sketchup model.

When I go to import from sketchup, the JPEG files do not appear in my files.
Any advice would be welcome?

Hi Rosie. Not sure about Macs - but if you’re using a PC make sure you select either ‘JPEG Image’ or ‘All Supported Types’ in the import dialogue box.

same same, but different :slight_smile:
I think Rosie you’re importing as a material.

assuming at the bottom you picked either all supported types or specified jpg, png… whatever you need

once you select the image you want, but BEFORE clicking on import you can choose to import it as an image, as a material or as an adapted photo.

Capture d’écran 2023-04-23 à 18.43.41

(on a PC, it’s the same, once you select the image, you can choose the same choices)

if you pick material, then you’ll have to immediately apply it to a face, and adjust the size.
if you want your image to appear as an image, then select image. it’ll be imported as a standalone image.

also, Rosie, could you please fill in your profile with a bit more details ? SKetchup Version is… 2023 pro I believe, but your Operating system is either windows (10, 11) or Mac os (12, 13…)
your graphic cards, 5500, I’m guessing intel HD 5500 ?

these infos help us help you :slight_smile:

I have also found that if I just created the JPEG, and it is in a folder I have previously been importing from, the file will not show up in the dialog list. Click one of the visible files, and the window should update. I have been coding for MacOS for awhile (Simple Utilities, Commands, Knicknacks), and have never encountered this behavior.

Hope this helps.


You can also drag and drop into the viewport.