Importing Esri ascii dem in Su pro

I’m s newbie at Su. I need to import a dem into Su pro. But it’s format is an esri ascii file. Can any one please offer me some advice how to convert it into a format su pro will accept. Thanks

Have you tried this?

File > Import > DEM (file type drop down menu)

Be sure to look under the Options button as well.

Hi JanR, I’m interested to know if you resolved this. Esri DEMs are not in a .dem format for easy importing into Sketchup. To convert to a .sdtf format requires installation and licensing of ArcInfo workstation to load the coverage toolbox. My DEMs are floating point grids. Do you happen to have an Arc workflow to convert them into something that SU Pro can import?

Hello Alisha
I didn’t persist in looking for a solution and imported my SU model into arcscene instead.

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