Importing an excel spreadsheet

I want to insert an excel spreadsheet into a layout page. I can insert the file as a table, but it does not maintain excel functionality. Is there a way to import an excel file with full functionality?

You can edit the spreadsheet in Excel, save the changes, and then update the reference in LO.

Right click on the table and choose Open with Table Editor.

I have no luck importing Excel or Word documents directly into LO. I have many years work worth of Excel and Word documents, all carefully formatted to work and appear how I want them to. When I import a spreadsheet, all the formatting is lost, the size on the sheet is weird, everything is a big mess. So instead, I work on the spreadsheet in Excel, then Save As a PDF with the same file name except the extension. I then insert the PDF into the LO document. (there are some tricks to making sure it is the right size, but that is another story) As I make changes to the spreadsheet, I just save it as a PDF overwriting the old file. Then when the LO references are updated, the changes automatically appear in my LO document. This does seem a bit cumbersome, but I have not found a better way to preserve my Excel or Word document formatting. I am on an iMac, so it may be different in the PC world. If others have better luck inserting live Excel or Word documents, I would love to hear how they do it. My example won’t seem to upload, but I could email to anyone interested.

Have you tried saving your Word docs as RTF files? I don’t have any problem with the formatting when inserting RTF files into LO. I haven’t seen any issues with formatting for XLSX files, either.

It is less bad with an RTF, but my multi-column formatting goes away. It is just a lot fussier for documents I use repeatedly, like General Notes, to insert a live document rather than a PDF. I could email Dropbox you a LO document if you would like to see what is happening. Otherwise, I am not unhappy with my current system.

I have had good luck importing excel files, by carefully watching my column widths and full table width in Excel for the table (eg Schedule) size I desire in my final Drawing sheet, and learning not to include any line work in my spreadsheets. With those guides in hand, my fonts, point sizes, cell fill colors, merge cells, alignments all come across to Layout as desired.

Upon the first import/link I do adjust full table width in Layout and at times a particular column width by double clicking the table in Layout.

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To say that my spreadsheet and text document formatting is fussy would be an immense understatement.

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