Imported Logo image wont export as part of 3d export

Hi All
Ive imported an image to use as a logo but it wont export as a 3d model
any advice would be amazing
thanks in advance

A raster image remains a raster image even if you import it into SketchUp. If you need a 3D vector representation you can try tracing over it with SketchUp tools to reproduce the shape, or if you have access to a vector file of the logo you can try converting it into DWG, DXF or other format SketchUp understands and importing that into SketchUp.

That is wonderful, thank you very much ill give a vector file a go and let you know.

Depending on the intricacy of the shape, it might be desirable to use a large or very large import unit (found in the import options dialog) when importing it into SketchUp, and to scale it down afterwards to the desired size.

If you can make a .png of the raster image with transparent background, there’s an extension called Image Trimmer which can automatically create the geometry so you can make a 3D model of the logo.

Not a logo but … The red thing is a 3D object made from the black png image.

Thanks, i’ve gone into my extensions manager and cant find TIG’s ImageTrimmer, any advice

Image Trimmer is part of the SKM Tools which is available through Sketchucation.