Import Site Context Button Not Working - No Response

I am using Sketchup 2024 on my companies enterprise plan and am experiencing issues with the ‘import site context’ tool. I am signed with with my account and once ready to import the context, I select the button and nothing happens. I can click it as many times as I like but nothing ever happens. Is there some reason for this? Could my companies VPN be blocking the Trimble server that hosts the data?

Has anyone had this issue and if so, were you able to solve it?

It is quite possible. Can you connect to Internet with some other method?

I don’t think that is the issue. I just tried doing the same thing from my home network, on a completely different machine while signed into the same account on the same license and the same thing happened. I am just continuously able to click the import button without any result. No error message, or any indication.

I thought I would include this .gif so it was easier to see what my problem is. I am simply getting no response from the button. This has been the case with any installation of Sketchup 2024 for me, across multiple different machines.

Import Failure Cropped

The enterprise licensing plan does not include Add Location for SketchUp 2024. The Add Location still works in 2023, but your company could need to downgrade to 2023. I would advise you to contact your IT/purchaser and ask them to have a conversation with your SketchUp sales rep.

A window should be popping up telling you that this feature is not included, maybe it is being blocked or popping up offscreen somewhere.

Why is this? Is the Enterprise licensing plan similar to the old Classic license?

Yes - Enterprise includes just SketchUp and Layout. It was decided that with 2024, the Add Location feature was moving to subscription only.

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Thank you for that clarification, Kyle.

Thanks Kyle. I was just reviewing our latest quote to make sure I got our details right. We do have the “SketchUp Enterprise Named User Subscription - One Year Term” according to our quote. Does this not mean we have a subscription model? If not, Am I understanding that we would need to get a “Studio” license? Pro is not sufficient?

This was super disappointing to learn. We too have enterprise and I used this feature often. I understand platforms evolve, but this seems like a miss to only include with a subscription vs. a commercial license.

hello, does anyone found how to fix that problem? I also have the same issue. When I click to import the file nothing happen.

The problem of having an Enterprise license?