I’ve recently started using the IES for environmental analysis of my SketchUp models (all 2018 versions).
Upon exporting the geometry, it only shows up as a single plane on plan (with 0 height) regardless if the room identification is run on groups, components or individual faces.
Does anybody have an idea on how to have the rooms exported as a volume?
It appears to be a SketchUp-only issue as I can export models from Revit without problems.
Not sure if you’ve tried this workaround, but I received this from the IES support people regarding this error:
This error sounds related to a current known issue with the SketchUp plug-in. The workaround is to use the BIM navigator. In SketchUp, use the VE toolbar to identify rooms and export to the VE.
Using this method you should see that the geometry is imported flat (issue you reported initially). When you export geometry from SketchUp into the VE a veExport folder is generated in the same location as your SketchUp file.
It is this file you need to select via the BIM navigator.
Using this method you should see the geometry no longer appear flat when imported. A video on the BIM navigator is available below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lycg0jakOA
Hope this helps if you are still having this issue!