I was trying to show a model to someone, but google play shows that SKU viewer was made for an older version

I was trying to show a model to someone, but google play shows that SKU viewer was made for an older version. Does anyone knows if an update is coming soon or what can i do?

What older version? Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2021. If that’s the case you should be able to use the viewer. Or you could use the online viewer after uploading your file to your Trimble Connect storage.

somebody has a Phone, and that somebody was trying to use SKU viewer, and it says that the version of sku viewer was made for an older version of android. That’s why the category is “Android” :sweat_smile:

Hola Jean.
No trates de instalar la versión, en su lugar, ingresa a la descripción de la app y anda hasta el final donde muestra la compatibilidad de tu aparato con la aplicación.

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