I have an error loading when open SketchUp

I have a popup of load error extension

Possibly due to incorrect installation of SketchUp. Close SketchUp, find the installer file, right click on it, choose Run as administrator and then choose Repair. Reboot the computer and see if that sorts it out.

Did you copy extensions from an older version?

By the way, please update your forum profile. It’s clearly out of date.

I have seen cases where RBE files fail to read, even the standard ones from us. We have a support case to record reports, I have added this post to that list. We still don’t know what the common factor is.

Dave, I believe beermullet1 is a distributor, or something on those lines, and the screenshots are most likely from a customer.

I suspected Google (apps) to be part of it, since this started around the time Google maps stopped working.
Maybe a shared register key…
All we could suggest was to create a new profile…