I cant open my modells in trimble connect anymore!? Why?

I have alot of models I’ve made earlier in sketchup free web that are saved in my trimble connect.
I can see the files, but I’m not able to open them?
Everything is saved online in my trimble connect

What can be done to get access to my models again?

What error do you see when attempting to open a previously-saved model? Are you logged into Trimble using the same email address etc. that was used during creation of the models? You might try clearing the browser’s cache and cookies for that website (just a guess).

It uses alot of time then this error message is popping up.

I use the same username, emailadress etc
Earlier I have had no problems opening my modells, but now I cant open anyone of them

Thanks for the screen-capture of the error (which sadly is not very informative!). I wonder if Trimble Connect is suffering from an outage? Another experiment you might be able to try: use a different browser (Firefox vs. Edge vs. Chrome etc.) to see if the result is different.

I’ve allready tried it with crome, edge and the old internet explorer… But it looks like there is no connection to the files… I also tried yesterday with the same result :frowning:

Edge v44 has various issues. Can you try either Edge v81 or later, or Firefox or Chrome?

The current version of Edge is available here:

Something else to check, I think that you have used the Free version with two different email addresses. Make sure you are signed in using the one that is your full name @gmail.com.

I’ve used the same adress when logging in
I guess I would not find me modells at all if I was on the wrong account

I find some modells directly and some if i choose trimble connect

But none of them will load

So I’m not sure what to do

Can you download one of them to your computer through Trimble Connect and share it with us so we can take a look?

When I try to download a file from trimble connect I get this (the file is only 3,57 Mb)

I actually tried alot of different models now and could open 3 of them and also was I able to download them to my computer. But the rest wont open or download

Can you see them in the 3D Viewer?
Got to www.connect.trimble.com , log in, click on a file.

I see all the files, but am not able to open any of them or download them

Did you go to that page ( click on url )?
Can you share a screenshot?

if i go to www.connect.trimble.com I dont get in
But if I go to connect.trimble.com i can sign in

here are a screenshot of my files

if i klikk on the files a new window open and it tries to open the file but after a while I get an error message like the one in the tread earlier

And have you tried Selecting them?

yes, tried to both select them and chose download, and directly click’ing them and they then opens in a new window and after a while it will not open anything and I get an error message in the left coloum where the file name and version shows

One more thing to try: in the middle, go to ‘Change Project’

Than, change the region:

for some reson all my projects are saved in north america region

if I click the tab in the top I dont get the same choices

and if i chose another region I dont have any models