I am having Problem with 3D warehouse

This screenshot looks like SketchUp 2016 (even though your forum profile says 2017 Pro.)
Ie, SketchUp 2017 Pro has a “Untitled - SketchUp 2017 Pro” window caption.

SketchUp 2016 and earlier on Windows uses a Internet Explorer web browser frame control, and is no longer 100% compatible with recent updates to the Trimble 3D Warehouse.

Here is Barry’s official announcement …

Although a few weeks ago 3DW was not loading (or completely rendering) at all for me under SU2016, …
3DW will now load, BUT it takes an excessive time to load, and when it completes rendering the landing page, I get the following JavaScript error …


This, I think, is the code for the cookie consent “peek-a-boo” pane that appears at the bottom of the window.

No problems on SketchUp 2017 Pro in the Chromium browser frame. 3DW loads FAST and the cookie consent pane renders fine.

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