When I have a cylinder with a texture which is incorrectly set, how to correct it? For example when I download log from 3D warehouse. I change the scale of the log to be longer which deformed the texture and I need to correct it. Expect that I have changed the proportions of the texture to try to fit her but I got bad results. I want to paint the original image in original scale. But I do not want to import it from image file because this file is already loaded in model.
You have made unique copies of the log component … that’s good.
But then you scaled the copies to make them longer … bad, because scaling distorts the texture.
Edit the component geometry instead of scaling the component.
That is, Push/Pull to change the length.
If you change the geometry inside component, you cannot make their length different, do you? That’s why I used scaling of component because I wanted to created different length of the logs.
Texture name is “Vegetation_Bark_Ponderosa” but how can I found original texture size? Should I reset texture position and do make it to fit? Then pick the texture and fill the sides by this sample?
A bit different question for logs painting:
When I want to change 4 logs crosscut texture, should I explode it and make new texture? Currently I do not know about different way.
What John is getting at is materials explicitly applied to faces inside a component dominate a material applied to the component as a whole. So you can paint sides within to set their material and then paint the log from outside to affect only the ends.
Is there some tutorial on this theme on youtube? I need to see and have some voice explanation what is shown. What I miss in the demonstration above is the Outliner to see the context or current scope.