How to resize an object

I’m trying to use the free online version to see if i like it prior to buying. I’m having trouble with resizing objects I’ve already made. I know i can type in the height and with right after i draw a square, but I can’t seem to resize it later to different dimensions. The Measurements field is disabled when I select any object. Is this a limitation of the web version?

The method for resizing something in SketchUp depends on what it is and how it needs to be resized. It might be that the Scale tool is appropriate or maybe the Move tool.or maybe Push/Pull. What are you modeling? How are you trying to change its size?

No. This is the way SketchUp works. Don’t try to make it work like CAD programs.

So i draw a rectangle to make a “board”, but I decide it’s too long, but the width is right. How do i just make the rectangle shorter without changing the width?

If you have yet to make it 3D, select an edge and use the Move tool to move it the riquired distance. If you’ve made the “board” 3D, get the Push/Pull tool and pull or push the end and type the distance you want to add or subtract from the length.

You really should start with the basics: