I have hard time placing image on curved surface.
Is there some tipp or extension to achieve this?
What kind of a curved surface are you thinking of? Can you share your image and the model with the surface?
I have round inflatable tents to customize.air-dome-5x5.skp (311.1 KB)
Roof and sidewalls are curved.
Well, I had to go hunt up an image to use.
With native tools, import the image as a texture and apply it to a rectangle. I positioned the rectangle so it’s centered in front of the tent. Right click on the face and choose Texture>Projected.
Get the Paint Bucket tool, hold Alt and click on the rectangle. Then release Alt and paint the face.
Someone will come along and tell you to use Fredo6’s Thru Paint which you could but you can do this stuff with native tools and probably should learn how to do it before resorting to the extension.
Thanks Dave
I found 36 extensions searching “paint bucket” tool.?
you are perfecly right, I go with native tools first.
Thanks for this tutorial. I’ve tried this technique to add 2 separate logo images to a cylinder and Sketchup applies multiple copies of the image all around the cylinder instead of just the single copy.
Make sure the entire target is a single SketchUp surface and that “View Hidden Geometry” is turned off before you do the projected texture.
That new icon makes me laugh! I looks like the bucket is sticking out a yellow tongue at you!
I have Hidden Geometry turned off. When clicking on the cylinder, it highlights the half of the cylinder that I would like to apply the image onto. The cylinder is currently painted with a color. I’m trying to add the image file as an imported texture. It is a PNG file with no background so that I can see the painted surface through the gaps in the logo.
When importing, I’ve applied the image texture to a rectangle, trimmed the rectangle so that the logo is the correct size and a single copy of the logo. Selected Project and used the eyedropper tool while holding the Alt key. Then used the paint bucket on the surface of the cylinder. It applies the logo multiple times in both axis.
You can only have one material applied to a face at a time. So if you apply the png with the transparent background, it’ll override the color you applied to the surface.
Share your .skp file.