Hi all, how to put design packaging as texture on the the surface of paper cup?
You are looking for a cylindrical projection.
SketchUp has by default only a planar projection (when you right-click a face and set the texture as “Projected” you can use the Paint Bucket + Alt to sample and transfer it to other faces). This will not work here, because the texture should go around the surface.
There are extensions that can do cylindrical projection:
But still cannot
You need to tell which one you tried and how you tried…
Thank you
Hi all can i import the png image to surface of cup?
Import as an Image, then Explode it to transform in a Texture. You can also Drag & Drop your Image directly, like in GIF
Thank you, image can fit the surface
Hi all, now i face this problem when i turn the view become like this
I know how to solve already i turn off the ‘Parallel Projection’.
Thank you all