How to move the sun in Kerkythea, have been trying for ever on and off

I am sorry to come back to this again. I just tried to get clear glass in Twighlight hobby and just can’t get it right. I so I am back to Kerkythea I uninstalled Thea and reinstalled the plugin after searching…all these articles but not one direct link to the download. Anyway yes I feel frustrated with sunshine and light. I want the sun low and rising and shine into my lobby. I my SketchUP

the file at that time and position in the file that I exported to Kerkythea. Now I am stuck again. I can not find the button or anything else to make the sun move to that area even in the edit window.
Sorry for asking this type of question again after much time I think.
And I can’t figure out what are all the darl colored flags/rectangles ?
I did not install numerous cameras or any lights.

Double-click on the “Sun” under “Lights”:


You can move the location of the light in the upper right corner:


Double-click on the “Sun” again to deselect it.

The SU2KT plugin is featured prominently on the Kerkythea home page.
Kerkythea’s home page also features links to resources and documentation.

Hellol Jim
Thank you, your still around and I am still battling finally found the sun with your help
There is just the “Select” to be added first …
Ok will attempt to add some lights everything still looks hideous all in blue shades
no glass etc.
Kind regards

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Thank you. Yes it is but often online articles don’t link to that URL directly I did not see it at first and had installed the Thea thinking is was the new version which left me with all the watermarks. How much is the Thea for one private person? Thanks

How or why do I have all these dark camera logos in my model? I must be a pain with all my questions. But it’s so nice to know you are still around and you have helped me often. Stay healthy!!

The Youtube tutorials are so limited. I did download all the pdf files in the documentation section. With my ADHD I am not good a reading while being graphically involved. I am installing a second screen now so I can read on one and work on the other. I am sorry my mind is just not as responsive to all the drop down menus.
MAY I ASK: Resources
Are all these pre installed in K or do they all need to be downloaded and installed separately?