How to make a spring like this?

Disregard the turnbuckle, how to make a spring like this? I tried making but it always not responding when i tried use follow me tool. Please create me or teach me how to do this. Any kind of help will appreciate. TY

See attache image.

[quote=“SketchupKage01, post:1, topic:10238”]
…Please create me or teach me how to do this. Any kind of help will appreciate. …
[/quote] In YouTube use “SketchUp tutorial helix” or something the like. Lots of examples on how to model spiral objects such as (conical) springs and spiral stairs.
Basicly you model part of the object and use that to make a rotate/copy to extend the spring in axial direction.
After watching the videos you’ll likely know how. If not, let us know.

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I used the Spirix plugin to rotate a 0.1" diameter circle one revolution around the Z-axis while rising 0.1" in Z:

Reversing the faces on the coil, making it a component, and then replicating it 59 times:

Adding a little color and hooks on the ends:

If you seal the ends, it becomes a manifold solid and can be 3D printed. Here’s how it’s rendered by a 3D print shop:

I’ve attached the model in SketchUp 8 format: spring.skp (464.5 KB)

The Spirix plugin can be found at: spirixcode