How to make a Jogged Section cut like the one in the oficial cover imagem of the 2019 version of SketchUp? (Image linked below) It’s seems to be a “L shapped” Section plane.
PS: Sorry for my bad english.
It could have been made with an L-shaped cutting plane that is intersected with all the components in the building model. As far as I know, section planes in SketchUp have to fall on-axis and are a single plane (as their name says).
But mine is just a guess. Perhaps someone from the SketchUp team can give you the correct answer.
I know you can have Section Planes within Groups, so maybe something along those lines?
But then, second thoughts, the main building has a right angled section plane.
Would be good to know how it was done, as this would be a useful feature.
Several other images were done using post processing. It’s not unlikely that they did the same here. It could be done with strategic grouping but there are other details in the image that are very clearly achieved through post.
A simple example combining the strategic grouping and some very simple post processing.
Section planes can be any angle you want, they will align to a face or you can rotate them with the normal rotate tool.
I’d say this is either post processing or it’s actually modeled that way, with a big hole in it, e.g. using the destructive Solid Tools. I must say I’m a bit disappointed by this image being used this way. It’d be interesting to know how it was crafted though.
This is clearly a misleading image. SketchUp’s clipping planes are infinite and even though you can have multiple section planes using groups, it’s not possible to slice half the ceiling in its longitudinal axis. The only way to qet that is to model the ceiling in different parts, same for every other part of the building or as @eneroth3 said using Boolean operations…
Yes. It’s possible with appropriate grouping.
I don’t think this image is misleading at all. There’s nothing in that image that says this is done with section cuts. And it doesn’t take much examination of the image to see that it has been edited in an image editor.
Who on earth would model a roof like that in different parts??? As I said, it’s possible if you use a complex hierarchy of groups, but in any other software you could use a jogged section and that’s all.
The image is misleading because it gives the illusion that SketchUp is able to do that kind of section and that’s not the case. At least that is my opinion.
Maybe for you or for me it may be obvious, but not everyone is educated in what is possible to do in post. Also bear in mind that most BIM software are able to achieve this without postproduction, so for someone trying to decide which software to buy this image IS misleading.
there actually is a very easy way to do it !
groups allow you to have many active sections at the same time, just like in this example below
to quickly reproduce what you see in the cover image of 2019 version, you can select all your model, group it (careful, group, not component or make it unique after copying it), copy it / paste it in place and place a section cut in each one that will be perpendicular to the other one. Et voilà !
(that being said, I strongly believe they did combine two images for the same result)
Thanks for everybody answers. I believe that Jogged Sectionplanes would be avaliable in the next SketchUp update. Like jespizua said, It’s a normal function in other softwares. I think It Will Help a Lot to explaining construction details and concepts, like the cover image of SketchUp 2019.