How to import 3D models?

How do I import models from 3D Warehouse to my SketchUp 2016 project? I designed a house and i would like to have a car and some plants (flower, threes etc) for my house model.

  • Thanks!

File/3D Warehouse/Get models - browse-pick-Download

Thanks, but it seems like 3D Warehouse won’t work. It’s just blank :confused:

Hmm… And I thought I am the only one having problems with it.
In that case just search the 3d warehouse on google and browse the models there, then download them on your system then, File/Import your downloaded models.

It worked! Do you know how to edit it’s size and how to move models?

Use the Scale tool and Move tool.

On the problem of the internal 3D Warehouse window being blank, I saw that recently, and resizing the window forced it to sort itself out.

hah, that was lazy of me to ask. If I just looked for the right tools a bit longer I would have found it :stuck_out_tongue: but thanks anyway :smile: