Hello friends.
Is there a way to find out which components are high-poly in our model?
I like to find them and if it was needed decimate those high-poly models, or make them proxy.
I like the way Material Resizer finds and sorting high-res materials.
Any suggestions about component’s polycount?
Maybe the Goldilocks plugin will help.
Thank you @pbacot . I tried this plugin, but its numbers don’t make sense. I guess except displaying the number of faces, it shows something else.
Thank you Dave for the detailed reply.
It would be more user friendly (at least for me) if there were statistics about components inside SketchUp.
But that’s OK. I don’t think many users need that kind of informations.
There are. But not sorted. View for each individual component via the Statistics tab in the component browser. I thought it was only in v2019 or later, but I’m wrong - it IS in 2018, and 2017 as well (which includes Make 2017 users).
@slbaumgartner has a plugin that shows the number of edges in each component, staring with the ‘heaviest’ in the model (I.e., the component with the most edges in total, including those in any subcomponent(s), and loose edges in the top level component itself. It works pretty quickly, even on a huge model with hundreds of MB file size, over half a million component instances, and over 27 million edges.
You can then either select the next heaviest in the model, or descend that component’s hierarchy, heaviest one (most edges) first.
I don’t think he’s published it yet (it isn’t on the SketchUcation Plugin Store where I’d expect it if he had) but he might try it on your model for you.
Yeah, Goldilocks is geared toward the “edge density” of elements in the model not to absolute statistics. That is, it calculates the number of edges divided by the volume of the object’s bounding box. This helps find objects that may be over-detailed relative to their contribution to the model. But for example a very large object with a lot of edges will get the same score as a small object with far fewer edges.
Probably not what you wanted.
If you’d like to try out the extension that @john_mcclenahan mentioned, send me a PM. I have not published it yet because I keep tinkering with special cases…
That’s cool! Thanks John.
I have a modest interior design project that has 500mb in size and reaching 9.000mb in memory usage!
I would like to locate the heaviest components so I can put them in other layer. Where can I download the @john_mcclenahan plugin?
Download SB_Statistics_Probe from the SketchUcation plugin store. It isn’t my plugin, but one by Steve Baumgartner (@slbaumgartner).
I’ve referred to it elsewhere as Entity Count - sorry if that led to confusion. Steve has changed the name when he published it, and I seem to have the pre-publication test version.
thank you very much! BEST PLUG IN EVER! It should be a default option in the next versions of skp!