How to edit an imported .OBJ or .FBX Textured Mesh File

I have imported a small set of textured mesh in .obj format that is made up of several components (lot of geometry). I can right click and edit large component in order to select the smaller random components and then delete. I would like to know how to cut a uniform square area out of the mesh. Here is a screenshot of what the import looks like with one of the non-uniform components deleted. Please let me know what tools will allow me to complete this operation. Thanks.

Am I reading this right? Did nobody answer this? I would put a square outside the area you want to cut out, double click to select its bounding edges and then make it a group, edit the group and extrude the square hole where you want it to go, then go outside the group and explode it (making a big retangular bar go through where you want it), intersect faces (with model? context?), then run solid inspector and delete the resulting internal geometry, then go back and delete the parts of the model I don’t need.

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What program did you use for this photogrammetry? Or how did you get the mesh?

The textured mesh was obtained from Nearmap.

Not sure if I understand the question entirely as the solution to me seems simple. To remove a piece of the mesh, first create the shape you want to remove and make it a group.

Then place it inside the building mesh group and with the mesh and shape selected…right-click and choose ‘intersect with selection’.

Then you can select, group and delete or hide the piece you don’t want form the larger mesh.

how could you import model to sketch up with texture?

Use an Importer. The textures should be retained. See this recent thread where I showed how to import OBJ assets from Megascans using Transmutr extension.

ı made a photogrammetric model with 900 photo by Agisoft metashape. ı export succesfully… Also ı can import my model to Meshlab and ı can see model with texture in great quality… But ı both tried skimp and transmutr. ı reduced size. import texture. but ı cant see texture on model

What type of file did you export - OBJ, FBX, DAE, other?

Did you import the texture where, how?
If you mean that you set it in Transmutr, is it visible in it? And then it’s not visible after you imported the model into SketchUp?
If it is not visible in SketchUp, then what material appears, only a color?

ı tried all formats… obj, fbx, dae. İt is not visible on transmut or skimp. But when ı import to meshlab, ı can see with out problem.

Did you set in Transmutr the texture in the diffuse slot?

ı export texture file from metashape. also upload to diffuse slot. but it doesnt work
this texture file that ı export fr metashape

but on mesh lab ı dont need to upload any texture file… it opens automaticly with any type of format

Normally, if you assign texture to the respective slot in Transmutr, as you can see in the tutorial, it should appear. But you say that it doesn’t appear to you.
You also can export the model from MeshLab as a DAE or OBJ file and then import it into SketchUp.

At the moment you are shading via vertex in mesh lab - if you change it to “face” there what do you see?

This is what SketchUp will use

ı solved my problem :slight_smile: I prepared same mesh model with Pix4D… after import to transmutr, texture assinged to model automaticly… Solution is to use Pix4D… Thanks for your support.
19 Likes, 0 Comments - Zan Mimarlık & Restorasyon (@zanmimarlik) on Instagram: "Akçaabat - Akçakale ve arkeolojik kazı alanı - İha fotogrametrisi ile 3d model oluşturulmas..."

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Thanks for letting us know what worked for you.

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Hello, I am not sure if it is allowed to woke old topics but I have a question about this issue. I am new to SketchUp and drone maps.
I have a drone originated fbx file showing existing terrain and buidings on a site. It is a textured 3d mesh file as I understand. Imported it to SketchUp successfully. we would like to edit the surface of this 3d mesh because we need grading on some steep areas. When I used the sandbox smoove tool and some other extensions for grading, the texture on the surface distorted and we lost the texture quality. Is there any way I can do surface edits without distorting the surface texture in the 3d mesh? Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

Yes, there are a few!

If you use the native tools in Sandbox, depending on how the texture looks, you could reapply it (Projected).

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I used the artisan2 grading tool. This is the final result. Texture deformed again. I did not assign a material to terrain. This 3d mesh surface has an original texture which is obtained from drone photos. It is distorted each time I try to edit the 3dmesh.