I am about to learn using Layout. I have used Sketchup for several years. I am an architect in Norway.
I have made some 3D scenes in Sketchup. I have saved the scene and the file and send to layout. It appears in my template. I need to crop it and then zoom in/out and pan to make it fit in the page (template). Zooming and panning works acording to the instructor, but I have trouble to crop to my desired size. I sometimes by chance succeed but next time I try I dont find out what I did.
Can you give me an instruction on this?
First, DO NOT open the viewport in LayOut zoom or pan. Create a scene in SketchUp that shows the model in the view you want. that is, the scene should establish the camera angle and the area you wish to show. Use that scene for the viewport in LayOut. You can drag the edges of the viewport to adjust its shape and the overall size of the viewport. Just do not double click on the viewport or otherwise open it to adjust the camera position. If you want to crop the view, first adjust the height to suit the area on the page where it will go. Then tick the box for Preserve Scale on Resize in the SketchUp and drag the sides of the viewport as needed.
Avoid allowing the scene to show as (modified) in the SketchUp Model inspector window.