Scene View won't change in Layout

When I change the scale in layout, then try to change scenes, it won’t change to the view I had saved the scene in. It will have the correct things hidden in the different scene, but it stays in the original scene’s view. I updated to 2021 recently and this is not an issue I had in 2019.

Can you share the .layout file so we can see what you’ve got? I expect this is an easy fix and is due to the changes you made in the SketchUp Model panel that have disconnected your viewport from the scene. It might be as simple as clicking the Reset All button in the SketchUp Model panel.

Gardner 3D Images 12-15-20.layout (865.2 KB) Gardner Model 10-5-20.skp (176.6 KB)

Here is the Layout file along with the sketchup model. When I hit the reset all in the Sketchup Model tray that does change views when I change the scene, but then the scale also goes back to the original scale. What I like to do is set the scale then I copy and paste onto new pages and then I modify the scenes, while I keep the scale the same. In this model I just have 3D views, but I usually have elevations and plan views that I always keep at 1/2" scale.

If you make any settings in the SketchUp Model panel that result in the panel section going dark gray, those properties will be copied along with the viewport.
Screenshot - 12_15_2020 , 7_51_09 AM

Note that setting the scale for Parallel Projection scenes and Preserve Scale on Resize don’t make the Camera section go dark and don’t prevent the scene from changing.

You should be able to set up your viewports for your perspective views without making any Camera settings that need a reset. Are you double clicking into the viewport to zoom the camera? If so, don’t do that.

Here I’ve copied your viewport as it was when I opened the file up off the page…

Here I’ve reset the viewport camera settings and then adjusted the edges of the viewport to give you the same view without modifying the camera properties.

Now a copy of that viewport will show the next scene when selected.

The ability to set properties for a viewport and have them fixed for additional viewports is very powerful but it can snag you if you aren’t aware of the properties you’ve set.

There is something unintuitive about the way perspective scenes are handled in LayOut. When dealing with photographs in a page layout application it is usual to first crop the photo to show the part you want and then to scale it to fit the space allocated on page. It is not possible to work this way with perspective views in LayOut. I think that for perspectives, the “Preserve Scale on Resize” setting might be changed to “Preserve Crop on Resize” or something like that, or some other way to allow view scaling without jumping back to showing the whole uncropped view.


Having the same issue and can’t figure out what’s i’m doing wrong. help. Attached is my layout file.

Vanity - Documentation.layout (1.9 MB)

It’s the same problem as the OP had. You’ve modified the Camera settings away from those in the scene. By doing so you are telling LayOut you want that camra position forother viewports even if you change the scene. Instead of using a single Perspective view for the scene in SketchUp and modifying the camera in LayOut, create your front and side elevation scenes in SketchUp and avoid modifying the camera in LayOut.

I fixed your LayOut file. Note that none of the viewports now have modified Camera properties. No reset button in Camera in the SketchUp model panel. Now if you copy a viewport and select a different scene, the viewport will actually display the selected scene. Right click on one of the viewports and choose Open with SketchUp to see the scenes and how they are set up.
Vanity - Documentation fixed.layout (3.4 MB)

“create your front and side elevation scenes in SketchUp”, this means I’ll have multiple scenes in Sketchup for every viewport I need in LayOut. What I usually do is make copies of pages then change to the scene(s) I want in each page. You’re saying this is not the best practice?

Thanks for the quick reply BTWY, wasn’t expecting one this soon.

No. It means you need a single scene for each viewport. Actually, at least for the views of your model in this LO document you could manage with only two scenes for all of them. I’m not at my computer now but when I get home I’ll remake it again with only the two scenes for these views and upload the file.

And you’re welcome. I did it in kind of a rush because I was getting ready to leave the house.

in SU 22 the standard views (top, bottom, left, right and so on) were changed so to refer to the axis system of the scene, and not the “world axis”. Layout 22 views will also respect those same standards view.

This means that you can reuse a sketchup scene that has the correct axis positioning, using one scene for all elevations, and just change the viewport view option (left, right, front…), even if your model is not aligned to the world axis

If you change the scene for the viewport , you will have to select model orientation again ( left right…)

Layout 2023 does viewport things much better than before, clicking inside the viewport initially only get you to “pan” mode without any scale change, so if you´re on a subscription I would upgrade.

having one scene for each view does have benefits still. Maybe there is a different set of Tags for each elevation, and if you override the tags for the viewport, then the visibility state for those dont get updated when updating the model, so any new tag that you turn off in your scene, will have to be turned off in the overridden viewport as well.

@Odd_Haakon_Byberg That makes sense, I guess.

My main issue is to do with changing to different scenes which results to either the scene selected doesn’t show or it’ll be out of view if it does change and I have to expand the boundary box of the model to find it.

Perhaps let me outline how my workflow in LayOut is like:

  1. Create a needed scene of a particular part of a model in Sketchup for example Left or Right Linen Cabinet. This way I’ll isolate each part for further views in LayOut.
  2. Next I’ll send either one Scene (e.g. Left Linen Cabinet) to LayOut and make different views of the Scene e.g. Front and/or Right. I’ll copy the one view (say Front) and make another view (say Right) in the same page.
  3. I’ll then make a duplicate of the above page and change to a different Scene, say Right Linen Cabinet and process as previously done.

The problem comes in when I try to change to a different scene in the new page.

I’ve attached a clip showing the above but for a different scene in the LayOut file I sent @DaveR

If you do anything in LayOut that overrides the Camera properties from the SketchUp scene, changing the scene will not show the camera position for the selected scene. By modifying the Camera properties in LO you are indicating you want to ignore the camera settings from the scene in Sketchup. Clicking Reset in the Camera section of the SketchUp Model panel will make the viewport use the Camera settings for the scene.

Modifying Camera properties in LO opens you up to quite a mess when you start adding dimensions and labels over the viewport. There’s no reason to modify the Camera in LO, though. Your entire project can be done without modifying the Camera in any viewport.

As I wrote before, I’ll rework the LO file to show you how you can do this with fewer scenes. I’m waiting for my bride to get out of surgery so I can take her home first.

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Sorry to hear about your bribe, I wish her quick recovery. No rush mate.

Resetting the Camera (& Viewport in some instances) has done the trick :smile: Now the remaining issue is how the model goes out of view when changing the scene. Excuse me for seeming like a noob, it’s just that this has unsettled me since yesterday and I seem not to have the patience to understand it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Did you look at the LO file I uploaded and the included SketchUp model?

That model going out of view thing is due to the way you set up the SketchUp model and the way you made the modifications in LO. Again, you can avoid all that problem from the beginning with the right set up.

Yes I did. I don’t pay attention to how I setup things in Sketchup initially, I just get in and start modelling. Will be waiting for your reworked file. Thanks a million :+1:

Not trying to give you a hard time but that’s what creates extra work and problems for you when you get farther along in the process. You aren’t the only one who does that, though.

Fingers crossed she’ll be ready to go home soon. Actually, she’s probably ready but the doctors and nurses aren’t. :smiley:

:smile: rather they be slow but thorough.

I’ll appreciate your best practices of how you do your initial setups seeing how I’ll be doing more designs in the coming future, especially of kitchen and bedroom units. And to mention the OpenCutList Extension which is a HUUUUGE saver!

And while you at it is it possible to change a Plain Paper template to a Titleblock one, or would I have to do everything from scratch using the Titleblock?

While you are waiting chek out these videos on Layout (YouTube)

Thanks! Previously downloaded a couple of tutorials; realized I need some proper lesson in this. You seem to have figured that out too :sweat_smile: