How to create a hole along two points on a model

I want to make a curvature hole from point A to point B, to create a void inside with solid all around it, any idea how to do it?

Draw the shape you want the hole to be, use solid tools to subtract it from the current shape…

I just tried this, making a parametric solid with curviloft and then trying to trim ,but solid tool isnt recognizing it as a solid, thus cant substract it, but when i create a cylinder or any general solid, it recognizes and is able to perform the trim, but i really need a parametric void, any idea what to do? @bmike

Share the .skp file so we can see what you’ve modeled.

SketchUp is not a parametric modeler.

gehryPrac.skp (289.7 KB)

Doing what Mike suggested although I used Eneroth Solid Tools.

Eneroth Solid tools! Alright im trying it right now

I used Eneroth Solid Tools because I already have the toolbar on the desktop. I normally use it instead of the native Solid Tools because it doesn’t convert components it modifies into groups like the native tools do. Either one should work for your application sine your thing is a group already.

uh cant do it, cant select the shape i just created with curviloft as a solid , same with native solid tools @DaveR

Share the .skp file with that geometry. I can only guess it isn’t a solid.

gehryPrac.skp (288.0 KB)

My guess was correct. It is not a solid. You can see that in Entity Info when you select it. There’s stray edges (the centerline), and internal face, and an incorrectly oriented face at the end toward the other volume. You can manually fix those things easily enough but Solid Inspector 2 will do it for you, too.

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Works perfectly, Thanks @DaveR and @bmike