How to avoid this?

I dont want these faces to disapperar when I push or pull it…there is a way to disable this? I loose so much time with this…is so annoying…

Looks like you’ve got some faces reversed as well as some loose geometry inside that solid. That’s always going to screw things up.

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I’m going to guess that if you look at that from the backside, the surrounding part has thickness, but the bumps don’t. That kind of mixed bag (solid/not solid) produces funny results with push pull. If you give the surround thickness as just a rectangle before putting outlines on the front face to make bumps, then the whole thing is solid, and push-pull acts more like you’d expect.


As said in the previous two posts, if you have a cleaner model, results will be more predictable.

are there a video explaining this? My english is not good I dont think I understand

If you were to share your model, I bet someone here could give you a list of reasons that you are having trouble.

I just want to find a video in the pushpull tutorials explaining this…I cant find…

Another approach is to try the Move tool instead of Push Pull. Double-click on the face to select the face and its perimeter edges, and then Move it in the desired direction and snap it to a target inference point. You might need to use direction-locking short-cut keys to control the movement. If the face is not co-planar with a pair of axes, you might need to use the Compass tool to create a temporary guideline that is perpendicular to the face, then move along that guideline.

Assuming you were trying to flush the faces to the main surface, it’s hard to understand what you are trying to do there:

  1. Select the face(s).
  2. Copy (Ctrl+c)
  3. Push the shapes flush to the desired surface. (Note that in the example you showed the faces mess up)
  4. Clean up the surface
  5. Paste in the place, (edit>paste in place {I think})
  6. Move faces flush to desired surface.

Does drawing over an edge in the loop not reconstitute the face?

As mesmas instruções, mas em português (Google Tradutor)

Supondo que você esteja tentando nivelar as faces na superfície principal, é difícil entender o que você está tentando fazer ali:

  1. Selecione o(s) rosto(s).
  2. Copiar (Ctrl+c)
  3. Empurre as formas para a superfície desejada. (Observe que no exemplo que você mostrou os rostos bagunçam)
  4. Limpe a superfície
  5. Cole no lugar, (editar>colar no lugar {eu acho})
  6. Mova as faces alinhadas com a superfície desejada.

Desenhar sobre uma aresta no loop não reconstitui a face?