Hi! I’m completing a project for uni and was wondering if anyone knows how you can add and view multiple models at once in VR sketch? I have being able to view one at a time but I’d like them all in the mini ‘museum’ bit at the start if that makes sense? Thank you
Can you just combine them all into one .skp file?
Hi @Lolamilly
Unfortunately it is not currently possible to load multiple models in the same session in SketchUp Viewer for VR. However as @endlessfix mentioned you can create a new file on SketchUp Pro on your Mac, load all the various models you want to combine there, save the file, and load that one on the VR Viewer.
Nonetheless, I would be very interested to talk to you about your specific workflow and understand what you are trying to achieve. I will send you a separate message to schedule a call.
Have you looked at Twinmotion… very capable and free… you can link multiple files and also have phasing ti interactively control visibility… eg different stages, options or materials
Are you able to walk around the model in twin motion or is it fixed camera views / videos?
You can walk or fly in Twinmotion.