Please help! Adding a ceiling is usually a piece of cake but i’ve spent numerous hours with no progress on this model with many non-90 degree angles and I wonder if this is why it is not letting me add the ceiling. I diligently click from endpoint to endpoint (green dots) with my “line” tool but I never get the ceiling shape. At some points the line just disappears. I have no idea what’s happening. Anybody got a clue?
If the edges of the walls are all coplanar, you should be able to simply trace around the edges to create a closed loop and face. Make sure your walls are grouped first.
If that isn’t working upload the model file so we can help you sort out why it isn’t.
Thanks Dave. Hmmm maybe that’s what the issue is — coplanar edges, but how do I check that? My walls are grouped, although I have several groups within groups when I tried to make partially leaning walls (with success in only one instance…I gave up on the kitchen walls). So the issues can be several here. I’ll wait for your reply and then will upload my model. Thanks very much.
Here is my model. Thank you.
Hufelandstr. 12_WIP~~~.skp (16.0 MB)
Red Arrow indicates where idges are not coplanar:
There is also a gap between the glass door component and the wall on the right.
I can’t open 2021 files yet, but as a routine method of practice, I hate tracing over stuff that’s already drawn. It’s easier to enter a group like the wall, double click to select the top surface, copy, exit the group, paste in place, and group that to start the next object to become the ceiling. It’s already a surface, and connecting two points with the pencil will close it in.
Another method to force a surface it so use the rectangle tool to draw over it all from farthest corner to farthest corner, and then use the rectangle, pencil and eraser to cut away the excess. Whenever I have a choice, I start drawing with a surface tool (rectangle, circle, etc.) instead of the pencil.
There are two locations that need to be corrected, both mentioned by @j.lehman and @Anssi .
Other than that it shouldn’t be difficult to trace the perimeter to close the ceiling.
Thank you. I added that sloped wall just yesterday, but have been trying to put a ceiling on before and it still didn’t work. So in addition to that there must be another issue why the lines don’t connect.
Thank you. I also thought of that idea — just to place a rectangle on top and somehow cut the stuff I don’t need: I tried once, didn’t succeed and gave up. I will try again.
When you are saying it’s easier to enter a group like the wall and double click to select the top surface — I don’t have the top surface, I guess I could copy the floor?
Hmmm on my very first try I had the same result but I Cmd Z because I didn’t get the ceiling over the bathroom and the top kitchen cabinets and from that point I tried about 50 times and could never even get to the same point as on your screenshot again.
I appreciate all the answers but I still don’t understand why my lines don’t connect and oddly enough they connect in the points with the sloped wall, but not at the point of the front door and where the kitchen turns.
I fixed the balcony door gap but I am afraid to touch that sloped wall — I spent so much time on getting it to this point and I thought the top ugly part would be covered by the ceiling anyway (If I ever manage to place it haha).
You placed the ceiling with no problems it looks like (even with those bad edges) so I don’t know why I can’t. …but in this example why doesn’t your ceiling cover the bathroom and top kitchen cabinetry?
I traced around the bathroom but could include it later to see what happens. Not much, I guess.
The kitchen cabinet is raw geometry. No problem to cover that but then the cabinet needs to be grouped first.
Thank you! So I do have my ceiling placed now! However I used the method described by RTCool — I just copied my floor and placed it on top of the model. I now need to add the bathroom ceiling as I had a different floor in there, but that I can do :).
Thanks very much everyone, for your help!
P.S. A follow-up question if I may: I can’t pull my skirting boards in some points, is that because of non-90 degree angles?
In the end I used your method (thanks for pointing to that as I discovered I don’t particular like tracing either) and it worked — I just copied the floor!
Hu-2017.skp (168.9 KB)
Make your work easier by learning to use groups and layers/tags better.
In Window > Model Info > Units, uncheck ‘Enable length snapping’.
Thanks very much for that, it looks very useful but I don’t quite understand what it achieves, would you please clarify? Thank you!
Here is a screenshot of my skirting boards: I pulled the right one but am not able to pull the left one, why?
If you create your groups correctly and assign them layers/tags, it will be easier for you to create/add other necessary elements, in this case plinth, using Follow Me