How do you make a wall tilt in 2 different directions?

Hi, I am making the wall here that tilts backwards then forwards:

I used curviloft to try and make the profiles for it to interpolate between. While in theory it is doing what it is supposed to, it is not a very clean result. Is there a better way to do this? I would prefer that the top feels like a flat plane.

First thing that came to mind, True Bend (or make the curved wall manually with native tools) and Scale the top face. More like sculpting really but it depends on how precise you need it. Attach your .skp file with the path and cross sections to give folks a better idea of the shape you are after.


Second thought: Once you have a shape you like, isolate one face and vector push pull to create a wall with uniform thickness.



Update: I was unable to figure out the trubend method. I am trying to set the axis so that it can bend along the red, but because it is going down a slope and because the faces aren’t turned the same way, I cannot get the axis 100% accurate. It will not bend along the intended axis :frowning:

This is a creative way to do it! What should I do if the curvature of the wall is not a perfect 3-pt curve, but rather 2 curved surfaces going down a slope? Also, how do I determine how long the wall is once it is “unfolded” in order to bend it to fit?

I’m providing a download link for the file here:

I apologize for the lack of layering… CAD and the architect brought in a bunch of junk so I used the clean up tool to purge everything and put everything on the untagged layer and I’m about to start putting groups on their own layers again.

If you click inside the first wall group and then delete the wall surface, you should be able to see the profiles and the line underneath if you hide everything else.

What is that set of push/pull tools you have open there? I need to get some more of these amazing toys you guys are playing with.

THose are joint push/pull tool. I think they are libfredo. Can’t live without them!

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okay, here is the issue I’m experiencing. I cannot get the axis to align to the wall. I’m trying to bend it but because the group boundary is not tight to the wall, I do not get the intended results. Please see the images to see what I may be doing wrong:group

Icannot seem to align the green axis to the outer face, it just snaps perpendicular to the red.

What type of wall do you want, wall1 or wall 2? see model > Evm-SU2017.skp (4.1 MB)

wall 1

wall 2

We are experimenting with the tilt on the back wall going either back (like wall 1) and forward ( like wall 2). I think wall 2 is pretty much what I was going for shape and tiltwise, but I like how the first one you did has a uniform thisckness. How did you do that?

Also, in wall 1 the topo is modeled very nicely. Did you use the sandbox tools to fill in the back to the outer back edge of the berm?

Many thanks!!!

I just had a moment to look at the file this morning before jumping into meetings. I can see right away that you have inherited a tricky setup from the CAD import. The arc is not actually an arc it is stretched and has some jagged extra edges, the cross sections are not square to the section of arc they are touching and all of the pieces are tilted and skewed, the center cross section is taller than a flat upper face, which suggests a compound curved top face? I did a down and dirty job of matching the cross sections by first making the wall equal the arc length of 187’ 7" , then bending the shape on center. I need to run but I see @mihai.s is on the job, you could not be in better hands.

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You’re welcome!

Wall 1 with CLF Shape Bender
Wall 2 with Curviloft and Fredo JPP
Terrain with Soap Skin and Bubble

Very interesting! I have never used soapbubble on an incline like that. Would you mind breaking down how you got it to follow the wall elevation?

I converted the model created with CLF into quads (QuadFace Tools > Converted Triangulated Mesh to Quads), I selected the top edge and offset it (QuadFace Tools > Offset Loop).

I copied the face of the wall and I am trying to change the thickness using the joint push/pull tools. However… whenever I select a joint push tool option (doesn’t matter which) my face disappears. Is there any way to fix this?

Do you mean the whole shape disappears from view before the operation? Or the original face is deleted when the shape is created? Is it just pressing the modifier key toggle for leaving the the original face in place, which is Ctrl on Windows I believe?

The face disappears as soon as I click a joint push/pull tool, so there is no way to select the face to extrude it

Huh, I can’t recreate this. Is the geometry in a component? That should not matter but try making a copy of the wall somewhere and exploding that into raw geometry. Then try on the raw geometry. You should be able to preselect the geometry then start the tool, or start the tool and select from within.

I tried it with a component, group, and raw geometry. I am doing what you were saying earlier after creating the curved surface of the wall but I guess it doesn’t like the way the face was created for some reason…

I believe you but I can’t explain it yet, unless it’s some weird interaction another extension? Can you drop that face into a .skp and upload it. I’d like to see this disappearing trick.

woah, okay. I put it in a new SKP file and it let me do it! Maybe it was just a glitch?

***Sigh… Sketch Up and I don’t get along well…

As one of the sages often says, maybe you weren’t holding your tongue the right way. :smile:
Interesting disappearing trick. I’d save the original file, restart SketchUp and try again. See if things are back to normal or if the problem persists.