Ideas for joining 2 curved, slanted walls?

Hi sages! I could use your input on the best way to join 2 short walls. I am modeling a boat, and the front & side walls are slanted inwards at different angles (30 deg side; 45 deg front):

Here’s a closer (outside) view:

And here’s the same thing from the inside:


IMHO, this kind of thing is about the hardest challenge I’ve faced in SU. Is there a process, using native tools, for getting a decent-looking result? Or is there a free extension that would do the trick?

I’ve seen you guys pull off some pretty impressive things with relative ease - so I thought you might have some tips for me!

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Can you attach a copy of the file to your post? It’s a little hard to see some details. Are the railings top faces parallel to the deck or perpendicular to the railing walls? Should the inside corner be rounded too? This is important to offer a working solution. If the railings are just tilted rectangles with their top faces at 90˚ to the railing then the front railing which is tilted more will always be lower than the other on the boat side, the inside lines will not meet.

Could you reform the whole railing at once by push pulling it up vertical then moving the top face around?

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  1. Extrude
  2. Intersect & delete junk
  3. Draw corner (3 sided arc looks great for small geometry)



@Forestr, I was thinking of doing something like this initially, but when I looked at the actual place for the join, it just didn’t seem like it would work out right. I probably should have just tried it.

Were your sample walls leaning at 2 different angles?

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@endlessfix, that’s brilliant! I guess the trick is to hold down the Alt / Command key while you move the corner endpoint… I don’t really have an intuitive sense for what happens (how things get skewed) when you move bits of geometry, rather than moving the whole thing. I probably need to do some playing around until I can develop that intuition…

I’m a bit unsure if your method would still work if one of the walls is curved…

Are the railings top faces parallel to the deck or perpendicular to the railing walls?

Parallel to the deck. The walls are not tilted rectangles…

Should the inside corner be rounded too?

Yes, I suppose - though it may not be if the angle is too tight.

I modeled the walls @ 35º & 45º. I think it should work.

@tkhoatson, try this, with Curviloft > Loft along path:


Thanks, @mihai.s, that looks great. Do you know if Loft along path can handle a curved wall, like this:

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You should try it! :wink:
It’s working with a curved path also:

After playing with various suggestions, I decided to go with a modified version of @endlessfix’s suggestion. His suggestion led to some of the excess wall needing to be cut off:

Or looking at it from the front, we can see…

So, instead of cutting the excess, I used the scale tool on the top face to bring it back into line:

And looking at the other side with View Hidden Geometry, we can see…

One of the complicating factors was a change from a full-height wall to a shorter railing wall (viewing initial model):

I had tried working with the shorter wall separately from the higher wall, hoping that they would join up correctly after making them both lean in. That didn’t quite work out. So I ended up doing the whole thing full height, and then cutting part of it down to the railing height. (That involved a lot of tedious work deleting little lines at the rounded corner!) Here’s the finished wall:

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Cool - I’ll need to get Curviloft for future projects! Thanks, @mihai.s!

It’s not a problem that wall it’s curved and with different heights :wink: