No matter how small my file Is, it crashes almost every time I click on a texture to add to a model. Is it because Im using a Mac Pro laptop? How do I fix this? thanks!
I also have macbook pro but like this issue has no place in my case, here everything works fine.
maybe some problem on your side with macbook or with software
There is a crash we know about that can happen if you are editing a material, and then click on another material in the scene, to switch to editing that one instead.
Can you give exact steps that you do that leads to a crash? Do the same steps happen if you try a new Simple template document?
If you’re using MacOS Sonoma you better go back to Ventura, it’s known that sketchup 2023 doesn’t have support for Sonoma and it’s not stable, a lot of people are experiencing random crashes with sketchup on Sonoma.
I use a simple template, every now and then when I choose an object, click on Ctrl B to choose a texture, click on the texture, it suddenly crashes. and It happens quite a lot. Happened when I had the free version, happens now that Im paying for it.
When you next see a bugsplat windows (which you get when opening SketchUp after a crash), please send it in so I can compare your crash with the one I know about.
I’m having the same problem. see bug splat attached
Bug Splat.txt (161.9 KB)
But you’re using SketchUp 2018 as your profile says?
Sorry I had not updated version in profile. I am using Version 23.1.341.
If you’re using Sonoma, there are reports from various users having issues with it, the best solution is to roll back to Ventura. Have you sent the bugsplats with your information so Colin can see them?
So far most reports of problems with Sonoma 14.3 have been on Apple Silicon Macs. I think you have a 2019 iMac, that is still Intel.
You did send in a bugsplat in November, and that looks like you were editing materials at the time. This new crash you had may be the same kind, and for that one we do have a fix that will be in a future update.
If you are now seeing the newer crash, that all 14.3 Apple Silicon users are seeing, your only option for now is to not use the Colors palette.
I’m not using Sonoma and I am on a 2019 iMac. I have attached a Bug Splat from today. This crash happens every time I pick a different texture folder.
Bug Splat.txt (161.9 KB)
That does then sound like the new issue. If possible you should use the Bugsplat window to send in the report. That sends in more information than the report Apple shows you.
I just sent in a report.
Thanks, I see it.
Did the crash happen on the first time that you chose a different set of materials from the Colors palette? The log suggests that SketchUp had been running for over 5 hours before the crash happened.
It is continuing to happen this morning. I just sent in another report.
Have you diagnosed what is causing my SketchUp to crash. It just happened again. Sending report.
It’s a bug in the latest version of MacOS.
It happens every time I try to switch texture folders.
Yes. The bug in the Mac OS is causing it. Hopefully Apple will fix it with an update soon.