Actually, ‘q’ can stand for Quaternions, rotations in a 3D space.
I never remember, though… @endlessfix has a better mnemonic
Actually, ‘q’ can stand for Quaternions, rotations in a 3D space.
I never remember, though… @endlessfix has a better mnemonic
Thank you very much to everyone, much appreciated
You could do this with “Profile Builder”. Select a path and specify distance between components. The component being your circle.
thank you for your reply, I have downloaded the free version on sketchucation, can you maybe suggest a video that I could apply this ? This is what I was actually looking for ,
Many thanks
Go to the Learning center in the Mindsite studios web site.
thanks but that is for the paid version which looks like I don’t have much on the free version
There’s a free extension called PathCopy. It’s not nearly as versatile as the paid-for Profile Builder but should do what you want. See Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse
If you’re talking about Profile Builder, I don’t think the trial is restricted in any way apart from that it’ll expire in 30 days.
IIRC, the last time I tried it, the free version of Profile Builder only allows you to choose from a fixed (and limited) selection of profiles.
But you are referring to the trial version of the Pro plugin, I expect.
Yes, I was. I thought that’s what Toppet meant. I didn’t know there was a free version available.
There was a completely free version, but it was quite a while ago - maybe PB2?
I looked again at the Extension Warehouse. It lists Profile Builder 3 as Free on the search results page, which also brought up PathCopy whose name I was trying to remember, when I searched for ‘copy along path’.
I didn’t then look at the detail page for PB3, but have just done so. It does indeed say the download is free, but you need to get either a free trial licence, or a paid for licence.
So I was sort of right, but way out of date! Thanks for the correction.
Is there a way that I can print to scale on layout if it doesn’t fit on 1 A4 page that it continouos on another one ! I ave tried duplicate page and dragging over using cursor and shift…image|690x387
Depending on your printer, you could try drawing in Layout onto a larger page - eg Tabloid 11x17" or A3. The printer may then tile the output onto two or four pages which you can stick together.
Will have a go now quick
My printer only prints one page that’s cut off
Here’s an overview of doing it in profile builder.
This is not to your scale so ignore measurements.
Make hole size and make it into a component.
In the PB assembly click the + button and select component from model
Then select your line ( you could first weld it as one)
Then at bottom “build along path”
You can specify spacing in the “Spacing box”
Initially it will put the holes on the edge of the path, but this can be offset “left/right” by the radius of your hole size.
then explode etc. to make holes.