Help please! How do I convert a Sketchup file to a Gcode for 3D Printing? What plug in d o I need and where do i find this? Do I need to get a Sketchup Pro?
You need a slicer app. They usually are bundled with a printer. FlashForge includes FlashPrint. You can purchase Simplify 3d. Download Cura(free) and there are others. One needs to export from SketchUp as a .stl file then import to the software of your choice.
Your profile states you are using Pro, if not please correct and add the rest of the details. I do not know if 2017 Make or the web versions can export a .stl.
Make 2017 needs a (free) STL export plugin, from the Extension Warehouse.
Shop (Web) includes STL export. Not sure if if Web Free does. Probably.
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