How do I add a blank viewport to my layout template

every answer I see in the forums for adding a viewport feels like a workaround. does layout not have a simple direct way to insert a viewport?

maybe I’m asking the wrong question, my end goal is a custom template that will load my model view when I choose Send to LayOut from Sketchup.

Here’s how I did it:

Make dummy SKP file. I made mine with a rough house shape. The model was simple. I kept it ‘untagged’. I made sure I had all the tags I generally need (about 35 I think). And the styles I use.

I then created scenes as needed - 3d views, plans, elevations, sections. Tags were on / off as required. The dummy house shape was to make sure the camera view was setup properly. I have scenes for working and for presentation.

I saved this file as my default template. I tweak it every so often as my workflow improves. I use this for 90% of my modeling.

I then created a LO file with my title block, pages, dimension styles, note styles, etc. I inserted my SKP template file and setup all my usual sheets - 3d views, elevations, sections, etc. I saved this file as a template in LayOut.

When I start a SKP file I start in my template. When I am ready I save it to my project folder and ‘send to LayOut’. I then choose the template I wish to use (I have several built this way). The LayOut file is populated with my model - all pages that were keyed to the scenes in LayOut are setup and ready for adjusting if needed or dimensions / notes.

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Hmmm, I’ve been sending to LayOut for ages and I don’t have this problem.

so what I’m asking for is just not possible, basically only the default layout templates will load in a new model when selecting send to layout is what I’m hearing – it’s impossible to create your own

smh – this software has been around for a lot of years, this seems like basic, intuitive, functionality that most people would expect.
so frustrating. I wonder why they don’t make it possible for users instead of just for themselves.

so after all that when you send it from sketchup to layout you change the model reference in the document setup ya?

thanks for the tips, I will keep this in mind for when I’m more sure of what my workflow should be. I’m a roof consultant and all I’m doing now is detail drawings for specific contracts where words are not enough.

oh it works for you. I will go over your tips again and try them out now

No need.

No. You can choose your own template and it will automatically replace any SU model viewports that are in the LO template with you current model.

Sending my city block plan to LO:

Prompted for Template. Chose one from ‘My Templates’:

The only thing I needed to modify was the scale of the Viewport as my template had it pre-set for a single house model and I needed bigger for this city district model/

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