How can I make water sprayed from sprinklers?

hey people, I am doing a job where I need to add a garden and water from sprinklers, I was messing with V-ray materials and I made this, but it’s not the best result.

can someone help me to get better and realistic water sprayed from sprinklers?

Here is the file if you want to edit:


Look at this example:

Turn that water surface into one with drops of water.
You can use triangles to symbolize drops of water, which you can distribute on the desired surface with the Make Fur plugin.

I had also thought about doing something like this before, but I did not know how to do it, could you do a toturial to explain it more detailed, please?

You could do something like this:

or like this:

I’m trying, but the directions are driving me crazy!! and doesn’t look so real… :confused:

Look carefully at how I did it and what settings I used. To make it easier, use the 2nd option that I showed you.
Put translucent textures on triangles.

Ok, I will try it!

you could create a disc ( or little sphere ) apply a water/transparent texture to it. “string it” along the path trajectory, randomize it a bit, and then copy around as an array.

or, create the dome surface and apply a transparent sprinkler texture to it.



Same idea as whiterabbitdesigncompany, but with a transparent random texture with some motion blur


Here’s a more refined version. (with motion blur)
The texture is transparent but shown with black for clarity.


I liked this idea, but how do I apply it? On difuse or as a bump?

@whiterabbitdesigncompany like it :+1: - how did you create the drops texture map?

its on the diffuse channel, the texture is transparent (png). I dint use any bump.

In photoshop, just a series of random sized dots on a transparent BG. there is then motion blur applied vertically and then the whole image squeezed horizontally so the streaks look thinner.


In your RHS Hampton Court 2018, how were those fountains done? Was it in the original model or added in post?
(BTW, your work/renders are amazing !!)

Thanks! :grinning:

The water jets were made of beads (I didn’t model them) - I don’t do much post work (hence the question before)

BTW i recall the original model was from the model section of the Thea forum - aren’t you using it too?

Yes, I use the Thea forum but don’t recall such a model in their libraries? I guess from afar the texture map works but getting closer the beads would be much better.

What did you use to render this?

This is a tough one… Here’s the best I could do.

Sprinkler.skp (952.9 KB)

Also, I noticed sprinkler water isn’t very reflective, so turning off reflections might help. Notice how the white jets of water aren’t green from the grass.

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