Hon Hon Hon - Call me Nab, Atelier was my father

Last thing for tonight is… furniture.

Couple of years ago, I tried to work with a furniture designer and ébéniste - french for “woodworker that makes good looking furnitures”

As a proof of level, I quickly did some 3d from photos. I wanted him to understand that no matter how bad his sketches were gonna be, I could still extrapolate stuff to work with.

Most of them are from photos on reddit or boredpanda.

Capture d’écran 2023-03-25 à 00.52.43

He showed the 3ds to his girlfriend who said “hey, this is sketchup, I did some as a student, I think I could go back to that and do it for free for you” (I wasn’t there, but hey)

And he ended up not working with me. when life gives you lemons, eat them. don’t try to capitalise on them, just eat them.

I have a dozen other photos I could model, I should get back to it, make one from time to time, as a way to “stretch” my brain :slight_smile: . plus it’s quite quick, not a month long project. Also, even though I like my flat colour style, that’s a lot of wood, I need to add materials.

Finally, this one. a friend wanted to make a small table/shelf/thing for her record player. She did some sketches, I made a really nice 3d. then she realised she had no tools and no experience, and the finger-jointed angle was gonna be a nightmare. and we made simpler plans. based on glue + screws.

Parts of the record player and the marshall amp are from the warehouse. And yes, there is a video. why ?

Next (tomorrow) will be more on the artistic side of things. I work with paper, and use SU to do so.