Hide joining lines

I’ve created a corrugated wall piece which measures 12x10 cm so I can create walls of any size easily. It works but the lines between the wall pieces are visible and consequently it doesn’t look like a wall, rather some patchwork. How do I hide the joining lines?

Eraser tool with the SHIFT key head down will hide lines.

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If the ‘module’ of the panels is not fixed at 10cm, then why not add one 10cm high instance, and then use the scale tool to resize it vertically ?
Scale dragging the panel by the top-center green-handle and type in the desired height of the panel - including the dimension suffix.
So typing 100cm [+return] makes it that height, but typing 100 would make it 100 times higher - NOT what you want !
Irrespective of your model’s units the scale-tool will accept dimensions with a suffix - so if you are working in cm you can type say 2.752m and it’ll still work in your ‘cm’ model…

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using the combination of the eraser tool + shift key ( as Aaron says) will not delete the lines but hide them.
If the unit you have made is a component then all instances of it will display the same giving you a seamless wall.

As Tig says, scaling vertically would be as easy. Then maybe you just need to hide the side edges so you could increase the width with further components.


I changed it so I scale it ‘normally’ in the Z direction and then there are only vertical joints left which is OK. That’s the way it looks in the real world. However, having created a wall I want to cut it in an angle but it is not a solid. It contains a subcomponent and how do I get round that?

Because you have component instances then changing one changes all.
However you can use the context-menu to ‘make unique’ a selected instance - then if you edit that it’ll change but its ‘cousins’ remain unaffected.
You cannot use ‘solid-tools’ on an object that has no volume - and extruding your profiled-sheet to make it a 3d-solid is overkill, as it won’t look much different from its 2d-version.
BUT once you have unique sheet you want to cut at an angle, then that’s easy done using the native tools.
Outside of the sheet draw a temporary sloping face [rectangle] angled as you desire - I guess it’s a roof ?
Position it so that it intersects with the sheet.
If there’s lose geometry around them making that face into a group will avoid stickiness issues…
Edit the sheet-instance and select all of its faces [treble-click?].
Right-click > Context-menu > Intersect… with rest of model…
You should now have a ‘cut-line’ across all of the sheet’s faces.
Toggle View > Component Edit > Hide rest of model > ON - so the sloping face is not seen - this lets you see the cut better and do the next step…
Use the Eraser tool to delete the unwanted parts of the sheet’s geometry.
Exit the editing…
Now you have a sheet with an angled cut end.
If there are other sheets to be processed repeat the steps as necessary…