Using Scale tool makes components dissapear

I’m just learning how to use and my terms may be wrong. I’m using SketchUP (8) on Windows 11. I have a 6 sided wood shipping crate model that has plywood panels and lumber cleats on each panel. I’ve split the panels so each shows separately. For each panel I made into a group. When I use the SCALE tool to make a panel larger, the lumber cleats (which I think are a different layer) disappear and only the plywood layer changes size. I don’t know how to confirm all components (objects?) are in the group for the purpose of scaling and how to ensure that the lumber objects don’t dissapear.

Can you share your file to see what could be happening?

You can either select them all to include in just one ‘Scale’ operation or…
You select them all and wrap them in (create group) just one large group. This will make scaling the large group easy, thus scaling its content at once.

Thank you SO much for help. I assumed I have all the objects in a Group. (I can only upload 1 image as a new member): If I right click I can select to ‘Edit Group’ but no longer ‘Make Group’. Image 2 shows what is happening when I Scale the group. Is there a way to know what objects make up this group?


Here is the file. I wouldn’t need to Scale each panel. So if you have ideas on the upper right panel that I can replicate - that’s the one I thought I made a Group already.
test file.skp (8.9 MB)

Why do you need to scale anything in this model?

Many staff use each panel image to add additional support materials. So a panel that’s 68" may only add 2 supports , whereas a panel that’s 120" may require 10. I can’t add 10 to the panel unless I can change the length.
I don’t need a panel to be an exact in relation to the others, but I need a simple method to modify the length and height of each panel to be able to add the extra components.

Also often - I need to show an uneven distribution of supports to avoid critical errors. They rarely are evenly spaced.

In my image I am only showing support materials, which is the simplest example. More complex components get added but there needs to be room to add them.

I think there are better ways to mange this than using the Scale tool. If you scale the width of the top level object you’ll end up also scaling the width of the supports which wouldn’t reflect reality. It would make more sense to edit the panel object and change its width and then use Move and Move/Copy to adjust the position or add supports as needed. This method will also prevent scaling textures as your model shows you’ve done.

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OK - Here’s an original SKP file with all components assembled. Support components are not part of a ‘panel’.

‘Panel’ = plywood sheet and lumber cleats. As shown in SKP file. No supports or extras are included and can be added later after resizing.

What is occuring is I lose ALL lumber cleats that are on the plywood, and only the plywood is resizing. I assume the lumber is now beneath the plywood and not resized? Even when I thought I had a group. I need the entire "panel’ to stretch even if it means the lumber cleats appear the wrong size.

I can add supports after I resize the ‘panel’ but I need to resize the entire '‘panel’ as a whole, or the amount of steps and time required won’t give me a positive return.

Thanks for your help

LPO-101-LR.skp (9.0 MB)


Hi Dave,

I may have misunderstood what you mean by " If you scale the width of the top level object you’ll end up also scaling the width of the supports which would reflect reality. "

I don’t know what is considered a ‘top level object’ or how to identify the various components

Sorry. It should have been wouldn’t reflect reality. More later after I get home.

post deleted, irrelevant

For example, if you scale the top assembly as a whole you’ll scale not only the panel but the frame members on top of it. Here’s your top assembly as you have it in the model at 48 in. long. Note the widths of the frame pieces.

Now, scaling it to be 60 in. long, note how the widths of the frame pieces changed, too. The textures get scaled, too.

That’s surely not how the top would be built in reality.

In your model you have a bunch of nesting. Look at Outliner. You have a group which contains the Top component which contains the panel and frame components.

Again, a more sensible way to change the dimensions of the components in the model would be to open them for editing and use Push/Pull so they don’t get scaled and so things that shouldn’t get scaled, don’t.

I edited my post to correct that. :wink:

I see what you’re saying but we are providing staff a PDF file only. Dimensions are added manually only where needed and generally only to show outside dimensions and gaps between components when needed. So it’s not important for SKP to provide accurate dimensions of the objects since staff will only get a print-out.

Currently it takes about 6 minutes to take a model and separate the panels into a layout view. I use Move/Copy to add support components but am limited based on the size of the panel on SKP. I can add up to 4 and move them around to show spacing, but after that, without making that panel longer or taller, I can’t include the correct quantities when required.

So right now I export to a 2D image - and grab a pen and write out lengthy instructions to not use the image as accurate for assembly. I have to write out for each panel the quantity of support cleats, how they should be spaced ( never equally) and other info that should be very easy to show if I can just lengthen and increase the height of panels that need that info.

Is this possible without major modifications and grouping, ungrouping, etc?

Again I REALLY appreciate your help. The YouTube videos aren’t working like they show in the video

OK. That wasn’t clear from your posts.

If the model was built correctly with the right dimensions in the first place there are a few different options for getting the dimensions and quantities out which will only take a second to do. I rebuilt your crate with named components. I made a minor change to the top to simplify construction. Intermediate stiles are distributed equally because the desired locations aren’t really very clear in your model.

After building the model with realistic dimensions, I get the following. For the solid wood pieces, this:

And for panels, this:

Changing the dimensions of this crate without scaling really wouldn’t take much time and with instantaneous materials list from the model, I expect you would save a great deal of time and you’d have a model that looks right.

Hi Dave,
Sorry that part wasn’t clear. I’m just starting to use SketchUP8, yes I know its old.

Please look at this 2 minute video on YouTube to better explain: Crate Pro 6 - Selecting Style Templates

Crate Pro is my software. In Crate Pro are PNG images, no skp files, and the png’s only show the construction methodology of the crate. The png image files do not change based on the final dimensions, support materials, fasteners, nor the placement of any additional items. The actual materials that are used (yellow pine versus oak) are also not managed by the style and are controlled by other parts of the program.

I have a CAD designer that created an SKP file for every different crate style template (over 2000) . Most customers use the PNG files without changes, but enough customers want to modify the skp file for their staff. We created 3 short videos that cover the majority of what customers want to do with SketchUP. The panel layout format is the most popular that gets printed out for staff. Using SketchUP 8 with Crate Pro SKP files

The only major complaint is that when the 4 shown panels are in a layout, customers need to ‘stretch’ panels to add the total number of additional support cleats. On the default 48" x 48" panel, you’re limited on what can be added. I need to be able to stretch a panel to add as many as 20 support cleats, and have them ALL show. Panels can be moved around to allow for better printing but a list of materials shouldn’t be included and the panels all need to print on 1 sheet.

Is it possible to just stretch each panel as needed for me to add as many support as I need?

I guess the main issue is when I scale a panel - the lumber cleats dissapear. Only the underneath plywood stretches. Its grouped from what I can tell and I don’t know why its happening

More new information. Why haven’t you shared all this in the first place?

Are these customers SketchUp users?

I don’t see cleats disappearing when I scale the objects but as I’ve already shown, the widths change proportionally. And again:
Scale is not the appropriate tool for the job.

You should contact the author of Crate Pro and get him to update the tool for your needs.

Thank you. I guess I need to change the angle so I can see the red handle instead of just the green ones. This will work and I really appreciate the education.
I’ll schedule a meeting regarding updating SketchUP.