Hi guys. I recon myself as a pretty advanced user, but I can’t seem to get my head around this issue.
See picture. Why is the left part of the ship showing the edge, but the bottom of the ship not? Seems it has to do with the roundness of the faces. Any idea how I can fix this?
Often the reason is that the faces in the lower part are smoothed, and in the upper part the edges are hidden but the faces are not smoothed. When you try selecting the surfaces, the smoothed area behaves like a single face while the unsmoothed bits sekect separately. Without seeing the actual model this is my guess.
personally, this raises my eyebrows. Sure, part of the ship’s line could be hidden, but this ? the bottom of a simple cylindre ?
do you, by any chance, have a “ground” active (I know, it should be more of a sea). By that I mean a plane that represent the level 0 ? either a physical one you added, or one in the style panel ?
Because here, in this case, it would explain why the profiles stops appearing, simply because technically, if your model is partly below this ground, it’s not “cut” by it, therefore no lines or profiles are actually created.
Could someone open this again. I am new to the forums but have been using Sketchup for a few years but this is a new problem I have come across. The edges appear to be smoothed or hidden but when I troubleshoot those issues they don’t resolve the issue. Edges are on profiles are on and everything is unhidden and not smoothed. I could really use some help its getting very frustrating.