Help! Shadows not showing in Model and Model goes grey when shadows are turned on

Hi, My model is turning dark grey (this is a white & blue kitchen with white counter tops & light wood cabinets, it should not look like the above) as soon as I turned shadows on - I have checked each item and it says that shadows should be shown. I opened a new file as a test thinking it was my set up but I had no issue there. I am trying to render in VRay and I can’t even get there because my model is so dark (I am adding lights but I would like natural light through the windows)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Share the .skp file so we can see exactly what you’ve got.

Looks like you have changed the timezone without changing the geolocation.

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I was able to copy & paste my whole model into another file and it seemed to have worked.

Box - I tried that on the original file and that is what it was - thank you so much!