Help modeling hip roof on different plate heights

I’ve exhausted my brain trying to figure out how to model this roof. I’m hoping someone here can help me before I contact the architect for help. My biggest issue is that I don’t understand how the main roof slope joins together when there are two different plate heights on the same side. I’ve attached the SU file as well as the working blueprint. I’d consider myself an amateur, but if you have questions please ask and I will do my best to answer.
Thank you in advance!
Spec House.skp (5.2 MB)

PRELIM.pdf (8.3 MB)

Make each of the roof forms as separate groups, each with an appropriate plate height, extending their geometry into the adjacent forms.
Then select on group and edit it, select its faces ad use the context menu > Intersect with Model.
Use the View option to hide other components, which also covers groups.
Now that roof part should have new lines added where it intersects with other roof parts.
Erase any unwanted edges/faces.
Repeat this for other parts until they are all trimmed appropriately.
Exploding the roof parts will combine them back into one - group that.

There are many ways to do this roof.
Tyson did a YouTube fr a method using inferencing etc…
Look on their site

Look at them

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In response to your request for help in modeling the hip roof … here is a quick model of the hip roof:

240630A_Spec_House.skp (5.4 MB)

If you are interested in a work flow for modeling hip roofs … I suggest that you start by modeling the planes of two adjacent roofs. Then intersect the two planes … trim … and repeat. Because you can create guides from the hip ridges … it goes pretty fast once you get started.

Now, the variety of plate heights on this plan set made this model a bit more entertaining … but since all of the roofs are 6:12 … (or at least all of the major roof surfaces) … the modeling of the roof went pretty fast.

Having said that … I am reasonably confident that there is an issue with the plan set … because the peak of the main roof in the model is turned 90° from what is shown on the plan set. It has been my experience that this sort of issue is not at all uncommon when conventional 2D design tools were used to document hip roofs … so I was not surprised. I would be interested to hear what your architect has to say when you show him your model.

Now I did NOT check the dimensions of your basic wall model against the plan set. So if you made an error in the overall length or width of the structure … then that could account for why the roof of the SketchUp model does does not match up plan set. But your model is very neat and tidy … so I doubt that you made a basic measurement error.

Otherwise … you are off to a good start with this model. It is reasonably well organized. And you are making appropriate use of groups, tags, etc. One suggestion I would make … add scenes early on in the modeling process … particularly if you are modeling from a 2D
plan set. And indeed, when modeling from a 2D plan set, oftentimes it is helpful to import a PNG of the various plan views and elevations. Then scale them appropriately … and then orient them so that you can see them as you model. I did not do that here … because you had already modeled the basic structure. The only thing I needed off the plan set was the 6:12 roof pitch.

Meanwhile … keep up the good work … and enjoy your modeling.


E. Godsey
GTA Design